Yes, you may be one of the many who are desperately looking to build good credit after having gone through a credit catastrophe and maybe you don’t know what the next step is. Most likely you have looked at many options and none of them have worked or maybe you haven’t jumped on any of them or at least the ones that might work.
The world of credit is a complete world and you almost always have to play it safe. Today there is one of the safest and most secure ways to build credit and of course it’s not free. But, let’s leave that for last. We are referring to the tradelines of authorized users.
Tradelines are used to create a credit record on the authorized user’s account, a credit history which is what we are looking for, once our credit has been affected or the score is too low. But once you have purchased tradeline of credit a credit record will appear which could include; bank loans, credit cards, mortgages or car loans.
The best way to build an effective, long-term credit history is to purchase tradelines and become an authorized user tradelines. Because once you become an authorized user of a good tradeline purchased, your statement will demonstrate a credit history, and even more so if the holder is someone with a good credit history.
As an authorized user, you are authorized to use the card for transactions, but you have no liability for the debt. The primary cardholder is solely responsible for paying the bill.
The authorized user strategy works to build credit because most credit card issuers will add the credit card account history to the authorized user’s credit reports with Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.
This is why the authorized user method works among consumers who are trying to build or rebuild their credit and is effective.
If you have a low credit history and are looking to increase it, buying tradelines and becoming an authorized user would be a good option. But wise and smart advice would be to look for a reliable company to do it with.
Contact us, we will not only offer you the service, but also a complete support.